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K4Community Team Hub

Streamline the Management of Your Senior Living Community

Optimize Your Staff Efficiency and Community Engagement

The K4Community Team Hub is the ultimate tool for senior living staff, combining essential functions such as content management, communications, event coordination, and resident information into a single, intuitive web-based platform. Designed to simplify daily operations, Team Hub enhances productivity by centralizing tasks and information, making everything staff needs right at their fingertips.

Unified Communications

Centralized Platform: Brings together all your digital communication channels into one simple, user-friendly solution.

Post Manager Tool: Easily manage and publish content like announcements, dining menus, event details, and more, with support for PDFs, photos, and links.

Multi-Channel Publishing: Publish content seamlessly to mobile apps, digital signage, and direct broadcasts across your community with a single, unified workflow.

Resident Management

Resident Directories: Easily manage detailed resident directories and profiles while providing families and friends with seamless access through the K4Community Plus App, ensuring everyone stays connected and informed.

Apartment Moves: Streamline apartment transitions with a hassle-free solution that simplifies data transfer and set-up, ensuring smooth moves for your residents.

Resident Check-In & Reporting: Boost resident care and safety with K4Community’s automated daily check-ins, offering real-time reporting and alerts to staff via desktop or mobile for quick and effective response.

Dynamic Event Scheduling

Event Scheduling Made Simple: Effortlessly organize and manage community events, including virtual broadcasts, with intuitive calendar creation, filtering, and search features.

Resident Engagement Tools: Streamline event participation by tracking attendance, managing sign-ups and waitlists, and gaining valuable insights into your residents’ interests to offer more personalized experiences.

Multi-Platform Accessibility: Easily share event details across various platforms, including voice assistants, mobile apps, digital signage, and direct broadcast, with the added benefit of push notifications to keep everyone informed and engaged.

Data-Driven Insights

Community Insights: Easily monitor and analyze data on event participation, resident engagement with digital content, app usage, and overall platform interactions to better understand your community’s needs.

Advanced Analytics: Leverage powerful data insights to inform strategic decisions and foster deeper community engagement for improved resident well-being.

Tailored Reports: Access customizable daily, monthly, or event-specific reports that highlight resident activity trends, helping you personalize services and boost resident satisfaction.

Integration & Data Coordination Platform

Make All Your Technology Work Better Together to Save Your Staff Thousands of Hours

K4Community is fully integrated with FusionOS, a patented integration and data coordination platform that solves interoperability challenges by sharing the who, what and when of your community two-ways and between every integrated system that needs it.

Flexible and Agile 

Effortlessly integrates all of your software and technologies into a single system with an easy-to-use interface. Add or drop technologies as your needs evolve over time. 

Return On Value

Enables staff to enter information once, syncs data across all integrations, services, systems and devices, significantly reducing errors and workload by 1000s of hours. 

Data-Driven Decisions 

Provides a direct connection to your valuable data from all point solutions via K4’s Data Access Program, enabling actionable strategies about you community’s operations and resident experiences. 

Drives Growth

FusionOS helps you grow your business by enabling new and innovative programs. 
Whatever the area you want to grow, a FusionOS
integration can connect the necessary technology.

Partner Integrations

Integrate the Most Innovative Technology for the Best Senior Living Community Experience

K4Connect offers endless possibilities for growth with over 40 best-in-class applications, smart devices and standalone services that enhance resident life and improve the workday for staff. Choose from leading technology providers, add or drop applications as your community’s needs change over time.


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