Simple ways senior living leadership can motivate and support teams
By: Cindy Phillips, K4Advisors Managing Partner
March 27, 2020
As this stressful situation continues to escalate, all the staff on the front lines are reaching deep to press through fatigue, fears of getting sick or passing it along to loved ones, or just the personal impact the stress has on their bodies and minds.
As leaders, we are trying to share praise and thanks – I am seeing many kudos, shout-outs, Facebook posts, gifts to employees, etc. All of these are terrific, however, now they may need a more personal touch from their leaders (metaphorically).
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou
I believe the best thing leaders can do to ensure gratitude really lands, is to personalize it. Try this – put a daily reminder on your phone, and before you stop work or leave for the day, take 10 minutes to make 2-3 personal high-touch connections with your staff.
- Use their name – customize the message to them directly
- Mention something they are sacrificing right now to be at work
- Recognize a recent completed task or work item they accomplished
And equally important, make sure they will see or hear your message.
- Share it via phone call, text or short email
- If you are still in the “in-person world” (like my friends in healthcare and senior living), drop off an old fashioned card, leave a post-it note on their work screen or simply a walk by as you leave for the day.
Honestly, they won’t care that it is perfectly spoken or written, but they will care that you recognized them!