Connected Medical Devices and Wearables Are Revolutionizing Senior Living 

By Ria Madan

We have all seen in recent years how technological advancements have made our lives easier including healthcare, and especially for older adults. Connected medical devices and wearables have altered the way seniors live daily by promoting independence, enhancing wellness, as well as altering the way caregivers predict and react to critical issues. Offering new and improved devices and features will continue to enhance the way older adults stay connected and engaged in their own healthcare, and how those who care for them can make better informed decisions that positively affect longevity and quality of life. 

When wearable technology was first introduced to consumers, it focused primarily on physical activity and tracking simple metrics like step count. Since then the wearable technology market has expanded exponentially and is expected to reach $70 billion by 2028. A significant part of the rising market is medical grade devices and wearables that focus on monitoring the safety and wellness of individuals. The most prevalent users of such devices are older adults who may have recently had surgery, are prone to falls, or those who have conditions that need to be continuously monitored such as diabetes, hypertension, dementia, and other cognitive issues. 

The Benefits of Wearable Medical Devices for Senior Living

  • Independent Lifestyle: One of the main benefits of wearable devices for older adults is the ability to promote a more independent lifestyle. Smart devices with features like fall detection give seniors more confidence and a sense of control over their life. If a senior wearing a medical device falls, the device can send an alert to emergency services, caregivers, friends and family.  Knowing that help is immediately informed and readily available gives both the seniors and those who care for them peace of mind that they will be taken care of in case of emergencies or accidents.  
  • Real time data: Another key benefit of wearable devices is the ability to collect real-time data. These devices give users the ability to continuously track their metrics such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and overall activity, allowing them and their doctors to monitor and address any imminent health concerns much earlier, and to create personalized health and wellness plans focusing on areas of improvements to avoid long term problems. Furthermore, tracking these metrics and more can potentially help detect other related health issues earlier allowing older adults and their caregivers to be proactive by focusing on reducing the risks and complications that may arise, rather than being reactive.
  • Mental Health: Medical devices can also help with mental health of older adults by offering features like mood and sleep tracking, meditation and deep breathing exercises, as well as push notifications and calendar reminders. Since many seniors living in independent and assisted living communities may be isolated and lack social interaction, they can suffer from loneliness and depression. These devices can act as a mechanism to inform older adults of community activities and notify them of events on the calendar, connect them with other residents through social feeds or directories, and encourage them to engage through push notifications. Devices are the connection with the apps and features that facilitate a sense of community engagement and that help ward off isolation for older adults.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: Wearable devices also have the ability to sync with telehealth platforms allowing healthcare providers to monitor and track patients remotely giving seniors the flexibility of not having frequent in-person visits with their doctors. Since many older adults may have mobility issues, transportation challenges or lack caregiver/companion availability, telehealth may be the only option for them. And since consistent care helps keep older adults healthier longer, connected devices and telehealth is a game-changer. 

Challenges of Wearables Medical Devices

  • Data Privacy & Security: Since these devices are connected to sensitive healthcare information, there are policies that must be adhered to in terms of data privacy and security. For older adults and their caregivers to feel informed and comfortable using connected devices, including telehealth services, these policies need to be transparent, comprehensive and understandable.
  • Usability: Although older adults are becoming more and more comfortable with new technology, there are still a large number that struggle with adoption due to certain limitations, as well as poor design. Small screens and fonts can be difficult to read, and touch screens with poor navigation or too many buttons/features can cause confusion. The key to device adoption and use by older adults is a well thought out user experience that is not intimidating and that is intuitive and easy to use. 
  • Cost: Many devices, particularly those with extensive features, can be expensive out of pocket, and purchasing and maintaining them can deter those with lower incomes. Additionally, many devices also require subscription fees further adding to the cost. Because expense can be prohibitive for some older adults, these devices and their benefits can be elusive.   

The Future of Wearable Medical Devices 

As the wearables market is projected to reach $70 billion by 2028, we can expect significant advancements in wearable medical devices. With the integration of predictive analytics and AI, these devices will increasingly anticipate patient needs, enabling highly personalized health plans. This evolution will address key patient concerns, including usability and cost, leading to more effective and accessible healthcare solutions.


Understanding the Challenges of Technology Adoption in Senior Living and the Role of Custom-Designed Apps

By Brianna Thompson

Recent advancements in modern healthcare has meant that more and more people are living longer than ever, and with that comes a need for high-quality senior living communities. Technology has become an integral part of senior living environments because it has allowed residents to stay connected and manage their health, simplified the process of collecting and storing resident data, and enhanced their overall quality of life. However, the adoption of new technology in these senior living communities has presented unique challenges due to the varying degrees of tech literacy, physical limitations, over complicated UX/UI design, and cognitive changes among older adults. 

We are going to explore the main hurdles in technology adoption in senior living, the role of user-centered design in overcoming these challenges, and the exciting potential for custom-designed apps tailored to the senior living market. 

Key Challenges for Older Adults

  • Limited Technology Literacy

Older adults are typically less familiar with the latest technology, having not grown up around computers, smartphones, and the internet. This lack of exposure leads to a steeper learning curve when introducing new apps and platforms. Many can find unfamiliar interfaces overwhelming and struggle to navigate complex menus or multifaceted functions. In addition, many older adults may find that using smartphones or other technology is intimidating due to the complexity of these devices, and this can lead them to miss opportunities to stay connected with their loved ones, access important information, and even manage their health. 

  • Physical and Cognitive Limitations

Older adults often face physical challenges, such as decreased motor skills and visual impairments, which makes using standard digital devices much more difficult. Small icons, complex gestures, and low contrast designs can be especially challenging. Many also experience cognitive difficulties that slow down their ability to adapt well to new technologies. 

  • Social Isolation

Technology can play a key role in helping older adults overcome social isolation by keeping them connected to friends, family, and the wider community. However, many may find it challenging to navigate social media platforms or video chat applications. To address this, senior living communities offer social engagement programs that teach older adults how to use these digital tools. These programs foster social interaction, reduce feelings of loneliness, and improve overall well-being. 

  • Overcomplicated UX/UI Design 

Overcomplicated UX/UI design can create significant challenges for older adults who may struggle with technology due to less familiarity with digital interfaces and cognitive limitations that can make understanding complex information harder. When designs involve excessive steps, unclear icons, or hidden features, it becomes difficult for seniors to navigate devices and online services; ultimately leading to frustration and disengagement. Simplified and more intuitive designs with clear navigation and large, readable text can make technology more accessible and empower seniors to use it with confidence. 

Tips and Solutions for Seniors in Technology Design

  • Start with the Basics 

When introducing older adults to technology, it is important to begin with the basics. Start by teaching them simple tasks like making calls, sending text messages, and browsing the internet on a computer or smartphone. This approach can help build their confidence and create a solid foundation for learning more advanced features over time. 

  • Flexibility and Customization of UX Design Simplicity 

In user experience (UX) design, simplicity and clarity are essential, particularly when designing for older adults. A streamlined and simple design reduces cognitive strain, allowing older users to navigate platforms with ease. Two key aspects of this are intuitive interfaces and clear, concise content. The principle of “less is more” is especially important here, as many older users find it extremely overwhelming when there are too many options or technical language that can hinder their engagement. Using straightforward language, brief sentences, and clear instructions greatly improves the user experience. 

  • Intuitive Interfaces 

It is imperative to build interfaces with older adults in mind while creating designs. A layout that is consistent across the platform or emulates real-world interaction can greatly lower the learning curve. For instance, icons should be easily identifiable, and navigation should follow a logical sequence. In addition, the design should be flexible enough to accommodate different physical abilities with options for text size and contrast. An easy-to-use interface serves as a thoughtful host by providing guidance without being too demanding. 

  • Flexibility and Customization 

Flexibility and customization are essential in age-friendly UX design as older adults have diverse needs, abilities, and preferences. Adjustable font sizes and adaptable color schemes allow users with vision impairments to tailor their digital experience, improving readability and visibility. High-contrast color options also enhance accessibility for those with color vision deficiencies. Additionally, offering multiple interaction methods, such as voice commands, mouse, or keyboard shortcuts, accommodates varying dexterity levels. The option to switch between simple and advanced interfaces further ensures that users with different levels of tech literacy can personalize their experience, making technology more accessible and empowering. 

Conduct Hands-On Training and Workshops

Older adults seem to learn best through practical experience, therefore workshops and hands-on instruction are particularly successful. Organizing sessions where staff or tech-savvy residents guide others in using devices and applications can boost their confidence while fostering social interaction and community building. Providing one-on-one help is quite beneficial for people who require more individualized care. Seniors can benefit immensely from the personalized attention that comes with being assigned staff or volunteers to assist with activities like device setup, troubleshooting, and application learning.  

  • Real-Time Feedback 

Providing immediate feedback on user actions, such as button clicks or form submissions, instills confidence in seniors that they are using technology correctly. This feedback can be delivered through visual cues like color changes, animations, or audible notifications, enhancing their interaction experience. Using resident feedback in the design of apps is another smart move in senior living tech. Seniors’ specific demands are met when they participate in focus groups, beta tests, or continuous feedback, which makes the app more user-friendly. This method makes technology more approachable and easier to embrace by empowering older adults by including them in the design process and creating configurable interfaces that accommodate varying levels of tech skill. 

  • Foster a Sense of Community

It is critical to establish a welcoming and supportive community to assist older adults in navigating the digital world. Encourage the inhabitants to share knowledge and assistance with each other as needed. For example, you can plan technology-focused group activities like online reading clubs or family video chats. Older adults might feel more connected and inspired to learn and adjust to new technology by creating a feeling of community. 

Future of Custom-Designed Apps for Senior Living

The future of technology in senior living communities lies in creating custom-designed apps that are tailored in the specific needs of this demographic. Some developers are paving the way forward for custom-designed apps by creating a seamless transition from existing apps, personalized features based on specific needs, and ongoing education and training. 

The challenge of switching between apps is one of the main issues for older adults. Custom-designed apps that offer an easy migration from existing platforms are essential. For instance, an app can provide the option to import settings or preferences from a previously used app, ensuring a much smoother onboarding experience for residents. Depending on physical and cognitive conditions, older adults have a variety of needs. Future apps should be customizable, allowing users to adjust settings like font size, color contrast, or interface complexity according to their personal preferences. Additionally, developers can offer different interaction methods such as voice commands for those with limited vision or simplified complex workflows for ease of use. 

In addition, involving residents in the app development process is essential to guaranteeing that the finished product genuinely fulfills their needs. Custom apps that prioritize resident input are likely to see higher adoption rates and sustained use. Continuous improvement is made possible by an iterative feedback loop, which makes sure that the app changes to meet the community’s evolving needs. 

Technology can significantly enhance the quality of life for seniors in living communities, but adoption is often hindered by physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges. By embracing inclusive design principles like simplicity, real-time feedback, and user customization, developers can create apps tailored to seniors’ unique needs. Incorporating resident feedback into the design process ensures that technology evolves with its users, boosting engagement and satisfaction. The future of senior living technology lies in custom-designed apps that emphasize ease of use, adaptability, and smooth transition from older systems, fostering greater technological inclusion and enjoyment for seniors in their daily lives. 



Empowering Care for Older Adults: How to Choose the Right Technology for Your Senior Living Community

By Brianna Thompson

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, K4Connect knows how vital it is that senior living communities keep up with technology that adds value, enhances quality of life for staff and residents, and improves operational efficiencies for operators. The integration of well conceived, planned and deployed technology can truly transform senior living communities for all stakeholders.

Understanding The Needs of Your Community

Making sure that your senior living community has the right technology can be daunting, not only because your community is unique, but because your residents and staff have unique needs, as well as varying degrees of technology understanding. It is imperative that you identify an actual need, and that the technology addresses that need, rather than proves to be of no significant benefit. Some questions to consider when assessing whether your community needs a technology solution and whether all stakeholders will benefit from it:

  • Are there any gaps in resident care that this technology will improve or add value?
  • Will this technology help staff perform their jobs better, streamline operations, save costs or improve their work-life balance?
  • Will this technology enhance the way residents, staff and families interact with each other, stay informed or stay engaged?
  • Will this technology help the community be more competitive, attract new residents and grow revenue?

Types of Technology Solutions

Once you can identify and understand the clear needs of your community, it is time to explore the types of technology solutions that are available. These technologies are generally categorized into key areas: health monitoring systems, security and safety solutions, communication platforms, and operational management tools.

Health Monitoring Systems: Healthcare needs are a top consideration and great example of how technology can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of senior living care. Technologies in health monitoring can include wearable devices and remote monitoring systems that help track residents’ health metrics, medication adherence, and overall well-being. When considering healthcare technologies for your community, look for solutions that manage your EHR/EMR data properly and streamline healthcare processes by reducing data entry and errors.

Security and Safety Solutions: Also a top concern for senior living communities is the safety and well-being of residents, so security systems are a crucial aspect for their technology stack. Some key features to look for in security systems include robust access controls, smart surveillance, and emergency response integration. Robust access controls regulate and track who can access which areas at what times, adding an additional layer of security to protect residents and property with devices like automated door locks. Smart surveillance systems like cameras can be used to identify potential security threats and alert staff in real time. This helps prevent incidents before they occur and allows for swift emergency response. Emergency response integrations allow for devices like fire alarms or call-for-aid buttons so that in case of emergency, these systems can quickly notify staff and first responders for prompt assistance. All of these systems not only protect residents but also give families peace of mind.

Communication Platforms: Effective communication is essential for senior living communities, especially in communities where residents may have limited mobility or are isolated from their families and loved ones. Engagement platforms that facilitate easy communication between residents, staff, and families can enhance their overall day-to-day experience, health and wellness. To ensure seamless and accurate communication, you should look for technology solutions that offer user-friendly interfaces, multifaceted communication channels, and integration with assistive technologies; all of which the K4Community Platform and Plus App offers. User-friendly interfaces allow for reducing the learning curve for residents and staff, making it easier to adopt and utilize the technology effectively. Multifaceted communication channels allow for channels like video and voice calls, and instant messaging; ultimately providing options for residents to connect with their families and friends in ways that suit their personal needs.

Operations Management Tools: Tools that assist with daily operations, such scheduling, content creation, electronic health records management, maintenance work orders, and staffing management systems, can streamline processes, improve efficiencies, and save costs. Most importantly, they free up staff to spend more quality time with the residents they are caring for.

Evaluating Key Factors

After considering all of the needs and the varying devices for senior residents, you should bear in mind these several key factors when choosing technology for these environments.

Ease of Use: Technology should be user-friendly for both residents and staff, even for individuals with limited technical skills or cognitive impairments. Complex systems that are too difficult to navigate can lead to frustration and decreased adoption rates, not just amongst older adults but also younger users as well. Involving residents in the evaluation phase cannot only provide insights into what really matters to them, but more importantly buy-in which leads to better adoption. Masonic Villages of Pennsylvania shares what it’s like working with K4 to evaluate senior living technology for their unique community needs.

Integration Capabilities: Senior living communities often utilize multiple systems and platforms for different purposes like resident check-in and dining. At K4Connect, the Fusion Enterprise Operating Platform, with its patented ”one-to-many” API integration capability, allows third party applications to communicate and update each other. With over 50 integrations from leading technology providers like Canva and MealSuite for example, you can manage and incorporate your community’s digital signage and food service without the hassle of having to input data on several different platforms. The technology your community utilizes should integrate seamlessly with existing systems and processes to ensure that there are no inconsistencies for residents and that the new technology complements current operations. Staff should not have to copy and paste the same data into multiple platforms; the right technology should solve this.

Accessibility: Whether its physical accessibility for residents with mobility impairments or digital accessibility for those with visual and hearing impairments, the technology must be designed to accommodate a wide range of needs for residents. Voice assisted and Smart Home technologies are great options for accessibility solutions.

Cost and ROI: As with any technology investment, cost is a big consideration. It is important to assess the cost of the technology in relation to the expected return on investment and the additional value it will add overall for staff, residents and families. Look for solutions that offer long-term savings through increased efficiency and reduced labor costs, and add value through improved work-life for staff and enhanced resident outcomes. For example, automated systems and technology that reduce manual paperwork and administrative tasks can save significant time and reduce errors, especially in labor short communities; ultimately translating into cost savings and adding more time for caregivers to care for residents. Look at your technology investment over 3 years and reassess your needs regularly. It is also helpful to seek out communities who have successfully implemented technology strategies with measurable outcomes.

The Positive Impacts on Staff, Residents, and Families

Implementing the right technology in your community can have significant impacts across all aspects of your senior living community.

For Residents:

Enhanced Safety and Security: Having technology like emergency response systems and surveillance cameras helps ensure resident safety on a consistent basis. These systems provide quick access to help in case of emergencies, improving residents’ sense of security and providing peace of mind.
Improved Health Monitoring: Having wearable devices and health monitoring systems allows for real-time tracking of health metrics, leading to timely interventions and personalized care plans. This proactive approach can enhance residents’ overall health and well-being and save considerable expenses on reactive care.

For Staff:

Increased Efficiency: Technology such as electronic health records and staff management systems streamline administrative tasks, allowing staff to focus more on direct care for residents. With the on-going labor shortage that is affecting all aspects of senior living and healthcare, it is growing more and more important for staff to be able to optimize their time rather than spend it on repetitive administrative tasks. This also improves job satisfaction and reduces burnout.
Better Communication: Platforms that facilitate communication among staff members can improve coordination and teamwork, leading to more efficient care delivery and reduced errors.

For Resident Families:

Transparency: Technology that allows clear access to care plans, health updates, and other relevant information promotes transparency and trust between the senior living community and families.
Enhanced Engagement: Communication platforms and family portals allow resident families to stay connected with their loved ones, receive updates on their safety, well-being, and participate in their care. Having technology like this fosters a sense of involvement and reassurance for families.

Evaluating ROI and Business Impact

Investing in technology positively impacts the bottom line for senior living communities. Technology solutions for staff improve operational efficiencies by reducing redundant tasks, minimizing errors, and streamlining processes. Happy, well supported staff leads to higher retention rates and easier recruitment. Technology that enhances resident wellness, care and safety contributes to better health outcomes and longer stays, which in turn leads to higher satisfaction scores and improved reputation. A strong reputation attracts more residents and their families, and drives sustainable revenue growth. Advanced technologies also provide valuable data and insights that help operators make informed decisions for their communities. Centralized data from connected services, systems and devices can reveal trends, identify areas of improvement, and make it easy to quantify and qualify the impact of investments in technology solutions.

Real-World Examples

Senior living communities are embracing technology to enhance their operations and resident experience. A great example of cutting edge, resident-empowering technology is K4Community Voice that brings voice assistance to life with Amazon Alexa, promoting independence and connection for residents by making their home and living community accessible simply by using their voice. This integration was also an easy adoption because according to Sheri Peifer, Chief Strategy Officer at Eskaton, “When we can use our voice, it really does break down the barriers of adoption. Voice-first technology is extremely interesting because it reduces the friction of technology adoption.”

Overall, choosing the right technology for your senior living community requires a lot of careful consideration based on the specific needs of your staff, residents and their families. By evaluating the types of technology available, understanding their potential impacts, and assessing the ROI, communities can make the most informed decisions about how to enhance residents’ quality of life, improve operational efficiency, and drive business success. As we move forward in this ever evolving technological world, we must empower older adults with solutions that transform their lives in meaningful ways; that improves wellness and happiness, enhances connection and engagement, and helps them maintain independence and quality of life.

K4Connect can help you assess your technology needs. Let’s connect!

K4Connect Announces Three New Integrations for Its FusionOS Platform – Canva, Computrition and MealSuite

RALEIGH, NC – December 20, 2023K4Connect, the leading provider of enterprise technologies for senior living communities, today announced three new integrations for its FusionOS Integration Platform, senior living’s only enterprise operating system. These integrations enable senior living operators to effortlessly incorporate the newest and most sought-after software and applications available through one unified platform. This quarter, K4Connect has added the following to its FusionOS Integration Platform:

  • Canva: A free online visual communications and collaboration platform with a mission to empower everyone in the world to design
  • Computrition: A leading provider of fully-integrated foodservice, nutrition services, and retail solutions
  • MealSuite: A fully integrated, end to end, dietary, food production, inventory, kitchen management and point of sale solution on a mission to revolutionize the continuum of care through foodservice technology

By harnessing FusionOS’s seamless integration capabilities, senior living operators can streamline their technology stack, improve technology management, and enhance their operational efficiencies, while also lowering costs. The platform is currently able to integrate more than 20 of today’s most popular software, applications, devices, and services, which are all accessible through the FusionOS Integration Platform’s easy-to-use dashboard. These integrations and other actions can be executed at the corporate level without requiring hands-on support from individual community staff members.

Additionally, FusionOS establishes secure data connectivity among systems like electronic medical records (EMR), point of sale (POS), and others. This not only enhances data uniformity across community operations, but also eliminates the need for manual data transcription and input each time changes occur. This guarantees that all staff have access to the most up-to-date and accurate resident information.

“Senior living operators are increasingly seeking ways to leverage technology to enhance operational efficiency and, most importantly, the experiences of both residents and staff. However, the management and integration of all these technologies can be a daunting and arduous task, especially if operators are managing technologies from multiple sites or trying to wrangle the various technologies purchased during the pandemic,” said Jonathan Gould, Co Founder and Vice President of Advanced Technologies at K4Connect. “That’s why we recently introduced our stand-alone FusionOS Integration Platform and are continually expanding its capabilities with new integrations. Our goal is to empower senior living operators to not only
gain control over their existing technology landscape, but also pave the way for future growth opportunities.”

For more information on the FusionOS Integration Platform, read the launch press release here.

To learn more about our integrations or to schedule a demo, please visit

About K4Connect
K4Connect is a mission-centered technology company integrating the best in technology and solutions to providers serving older adults and those living with disabilities. The company’s patented FusionOS technology and award-winning K4Community engagement suite serve tens of thousands of residents and staff in senior living communities across the United States. With K4Connect, operators can better serve the needs of today’s residents and staff and drive operational efficiencies, while future-proofing their technology investments.

K4Connect Announces the Appointment of Mike Weller as CEO


Weller brings extensive experience in accelerating business growth as Company expands and further enhances the capabilities of its FusionOS integration and data platform

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]RALEIGH, NC – November 28, 2023 – K4Connect, the leading provider of enterprise technologies for the senior living industry, today announced the appointment of Mike Weller as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Weller assumes this role after serving as Chief Operating Officer of K4Connect, and will oversee the Company’s growth strategy and continued development of its FusionOS integration and data platform. K4Connect’s Co-Founder and former CEO, Scott Moody, will continue to work closely with Weller through the transition and will continue to serve on the Company’s Board of Directors.

“Over the past decade, Jonathan Gould and I embarked on a journey to fuse cutting-edge technology with a vision to serve and empower older adults and individuals with disabilities. That said, while long delayed, I look forward to returning to an active “retirement” and have full confidence in Mike as the CEO as we look towards our next phase of growth. Given Mike’s operational and data intelligence experience, he is the right person to further our mission as we look to better serve our senior living customers and their residents,” stated Moody.

With over twenty years of technology experience, Weller brings proven expertise in scaling businesses by harnessing data to enhance user experiences. Before joining K4Connect in 2022, Weller held pivotal roles as the Chief Revenue Officer at Go Global Retail and as the Chief Operating Officer at Softonic. Weller’s career also includes significant positions at AgilOne (acquired by Acquia), Points, and Luvocracy (acquired by Walmart Labs), among others.

“As I step into this role, I’m honored to build upon the legacy established by Scott, who has been dedicated to not only enhancing the lives of older adults, but the success of the company as a whole,” said Weller. “I am excited to work with the entire K4Connect team and Board of Directors as we enter our next phase of growth and innovation.”

For more information K4Connect and FusionOS, please visit

About K4Connect
K4Connect is a mission-centered technology company integrating the best in technology and solutions to providers serving older adults and those living with disabilities. The company’s patented FusionOS technology and award-winning K4Community engagement suite serve tens of thousands of residents and staff in senior living communities across the United States. WithK4Connect, operators can better serve the needs of today’s residents and staff and drive operational efficiencies, while future-proofing their technology investments.

Media Contact
Maggie Markert
Zer0 to 5ive for K4Connect
(484) 574-1855[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

K4Connect Launches FusionOS as a Stand-Alone Integration Platform, Enabling Seamless Technology and Data Optimization for Senior Living Operators


Adds significant enhancements to its FusionOS integration platform to simplify technology management and data sharing for operators

Makes available its proven platform currently used by hundreds of senior living communities in conjunction with its K4Community Engagement Suite

RALEIGH, N.C., Oct. 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — K4Connect, the leading provider of enterprise technologies for senior living communities, today launched a stand-alone version of FusionOS, senior living’s only enterprise operating system. This new platform enables technology investments to be fully leveraged by integrating disparate technologies and siloed data, greatly improving technology and data management.

Previously only available as part of the K4Community Engagement Suite, FusionOS is now available to senior living operators looking to solve the complexity of managing their numerous technologies, while reducing costs and driving efficiencies. In addition, the new FusionOS enables data optimization across applications by eliminating the data silos that currently exist between software applications. FusionOS currently integrates with more than 20 senior living applications, with more to be announced shortly. All enhancements are available to current K4Community customers as well.

According to Ziegler, senior living providers are investing in a wide variety of software and applications, such as electronic health records (EHR), customer relationship management (CRM), point of sale (POS), dining, scheduling, video, and smart home technologies, among numerous others. Deploying these systems and ensuring data security can be challenging for many operators, especially when implementing across multiple senior living sites. K4Connect’s FusionOS addresses these challenges and more by providing a plug-and-play approach to integration:

  • An Advanced Enterprise Framework: Built on a powerful, event-driven, serverless architecture, FusionOS integrations flatten data to common schemas that represent the day-to-day data of a senior living enterprise.
  • Many-to-Many Connections: Scalable and user-friendly integrations allow senior living operators to seamlessly connect all technologies and applications to FusionOS, enabling two-way data flows between all integrations. For example, using FusionOS, an operator can link their census data with all the other systems that may need that data (i.e., EHR, POS, dining, portal, etc.). This enables all of the other integrated systems to be automatically updated when a change is made.
  • New Software Development Kits: Available in six popular programming languages, SDKs allow developers to accelerate the integrations with other systems, including powerful tools for testing and deploying to the FusionOS cloud.
  • A Robust and Secure HIPAA Platform: The data flowing from integrations within FusionOS is transmitted and stored in compliance with the highest standards of security and compliance per the guidelines for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

“While the use of technology within senior living had been growing over the last several years, the need for technology truly exploded over the course of the pandemic. Whether its resident facing or running backend operations, technology is key to helping solve issues related to staffing, resident engagement, operational efficiencies, and even occupancy,” shared F. Scott Moody, Co-Founder and CEO of K4Connect. “The problem is that managing all of these disparate technologies has proven to be overwhelming, if not impossible. Compounded with the fact that new technologies are coming to market daily, this challenge will only get worse. That is where the FusionOS integration platform comes into play. With literally just a few clicks, senior living operators can enable all of these technologies into a single system, saving time and money while deriving more value.”

With FusionOS, senior living operators can:

  • Maximize Efficiency and Resource Allocation: FusionOS allows senior living operators to connect and synchronize technologies and applications across all of their operations, greatly reducing the number of individual integrations necessary and staff time required.
  • Achieve Data Optimization: FusionOS enables senior living operators to connect data-heavy systems – such as EHR, POS, and others – to ensure data flows safely and securely between them, while greatly improving data consistency. Not only does this ensure the staff has the latest and most accurate resident data, but it also eliminates manual transcription and input for every system when changes occur.
  • Reduce Operations Costs, While Increasing Resident Support: FusionOS helps technology leaders optimize their technology stack, while also providing better operational capabilities and insights that enable better resident services at lower cost.

“FusionOS is truly a game changer for senior living operators,” said Joe Velderman, Chief Innovation Officer of Cypress Living – the leading provider of senior living care in Southwest Florida. “The pace and scale of technology advancements requires a technology agnostic operating system at the enterprise level to manage all the integrations, data coordination and security. K4Connect’s FusionOS platform and overall data strategy positions providers in an ideal place to be able to leverage the incredible features that AI promises.”

For more information on FusionOS or to schedule a demo, please visit

About K4Connect
K4Connect is a mission-centered technology company integrating the best in technology and solutions to providers serving older adults and those living with disabilities. The company’s patented FusionOS technology and award-winning K4Community engagement suite serve tens of thousands of residents and staff in senior living communities across the United States. With K4Connect, operators can better serve the needs of today’s residents and staff and drive operational efficiencies, while future-proofing their technology investments.

Media Contact
Maggie Markert
Zer0 to 5ive for K4Connect
(484) 574-1855[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

K4Connect Secures $8.9M in Funding from New and Existing Investors; Round Co-Led by AXA Venture Partners and Bryce Catalyst

IoT Is Next Big Tech Disruptor

Operators leverage Internet of Things platforms to improve health and well-being of seniors while maximizing workflow and revenues.


By: Eric Taub | March 1, 2023

The so-called smart home is fast becoming the standard home. Today, everyday appliances such as refrigerators and ovens in addition to lighting and HVAC can be controlled via the internet. Now, that same technology is increasingly being employed in senior living as a way to increase resident well-being and improve a community’s operating efficiencies and bottom line.

It’s called IoT, or the Internet of Things, a phrase that defines a world whereby virtually every device that has a plug — from a light bulb to a garage door to motion detectors — can be accessed via the internet and have its data shared across multiple devices.

Brushing your teeth? A Bluetooth-connected toothbrush can track your brushing habits and share that data with your dentist. When you’re getting close to your house, an Alexa-equipped vehicle can automatically open your garage door and even turn on the lights. And smart watches not only can detect a fall, but also dial emergency services or a loved one to get help and input the fall data into an online dashboard.

In the U.S., revenue for the IoT market is projected to reach $5.27 billion this year, according to Statista. With an annual growth rate of 8.75 percent, revenue should grow to $7.37 billion by 2027. The vast majority of that revenue will come from smart home technologies.

The internet of everything

“The Internet of Things is really the Internet of Everything,” notes Scott Moody, CEO of K4Connect, a provider of aggregated technology tools for senior living. “Once we integrate various devices — smartphones, wearables, tablets and sensors — into one system, information gleaned from one device is available to many others.”

For example, an integrated motion detector not only senses movement, but also can be used to turn on lights and record the motion in an operator’s resident dashboard, thereby providing documentation that the patient is up and active.

On the other hand, if no motion is detected from a resident at times when it should be expected, an alert can be sent to staff to check in on the resident to ensure that the patient is well.

People before technology

The key to making IoT work is to put the resident, not technology, first, says Kian Saneii, CEO of Independa, a provider of resident engagement technology accessed via a TV screen.

Independa integrates various sensor devices; caregivers can then set up routines. If a sensor detects motion in one room and not in the next, for example, an alert can be sent.

Using skills offered through a standard Amazon Alexa voice control device connected to a resident dashboard, residents can hear what upcoming events are on their calendars and sign up for various activities by just asking.

“There’s no question that IoT will grow in importance,” says Saneii.

“The key is it must be person-centric, giving residents what they want, not residence-centric.”

Click here to read the full article by Seniors Housing Business

K4Connect & Cypress Living Apply Tech to Create an Award-Winning Resident Experience

K4Connect and community partners Cypress Living bring home bronze for the 2022 McKnight’s Technology Awards in the Building Bridges category helping to overcome older adult social isolation, keep residents informed, and connect them to both the community and their loved ones.


We’re proud to be a recipient of a McKnight’s Technology Award two years in a row! This year, we’re especially proud to be a part of the innovative technology strategies at Cypress Living in Southeast Florida where hundreds of residents are leveraging our K4Community technology to stay engaged, informed and connected. Cypress Living and K4Connect were awarded the Bronze Award in the Building Bridges category, defined as “recognizing the use of technology that improved connections between staff members and residents and/or their families.”

The community needed a way to deliver a unified digital experience for its hundreds of current residents and their families, community staff and prospective residents. In March 2022, Cypress Living launched K4Community at its Cypress Cove location, a fully integrated resident experience app with an advanced digital backend for staff. K4Community, the flagship solution from K4Connect, is now connecting hundreds of residents to each other, the community, supporting staff and most importantly, their families and loved ones outside of the community. K4Community has granted Cypress Cove residents more ways to communicate, greater socialization and a dependable and 24/7 accessible resource for information on events, dining and services.

Delivering a Digital Front Door 

K4Community is now the “digital front door” of Cypress Cove, bringing the community together and outfitting it for the digital-forward future. This excitement is reflected in the rapid resident adoption and steadily growing resident usage of the K4Community Plus app in the first three months of launch. Nearly 97% of residents are live in the app, with 40% actively using the app daily and over 60% using the app at least weekly. As Cypress Living said, “K4Community Plus is undoubtedly building bridges between our people and our community.”

Using Technology to Overcome Residual Pandemic Challenges

While the pandemic has underscored the need for technology that can build better connections for older adults – to both people and services – Cypress Living has focused on this need to create a resident-friendly digital experience that provides immediate and long-term value. Cypress Cove residents are more connected to each other and the community than ever before – and they are excited about the technologies they have to help them live more comfortably, informed and connected. K4Community Plus is not simply an engagement or communication application, it is a fully integrated concierge platform that seamlessly connects and delivers our services and resources to residents throughout the campus.

Residents now have the entire community at their fingertips with K4Community Plus; relieving the need to physically find information around campus or remember login information to access multiple applications, residents simply open the app and find everything they need to successfully navigate their day.

Resident Response to Technology is Positive and Growing

K4Community’s immediate and constant access to information and interactive functionality built around campus services and events has dramatically increased resident engagement, communication, and social activity.

For example, in the first three months of launching K4Community Plus:

    • Increased resident access to the community 91% of those residents are using the app to quickly find information about and sign up for daily meals, maintenance requests and transportation requests. These integrated services do not require a resident to sign in and out of apps, they simply go to one place to find it all in K4Community Plus.
    • Connected residents with family and each other Residents quickly adopted the new communication features native to K4Community Plus, allowing seamless phone and video calling, in addition to chat messaging with their family and fellow residents. The resident directory is a most-used feature, replacing the old paper (and often outdated) contact lists to a vibrant digital directory that shares resident contact information, as well as personal biographies that make it easy to find common interests. Resident usage of the calling features grew by 72% week over week, with week-to-week usage of the Resident Directory increasing by 310% and an average of residents accessing the Resident Directory over 630 times a day.
    • Building social connections and happy lives –Residents were excited to use K4Community Plus to organize their personal schedules and ensure they were signed up for social and wellness activities. These activities included both in-person and virtual events, from birthday celebrations to art exhibit excursions and brunch, 95% of residents are actively using the events feature to learn about and sign up for activities. Cypress Cove staff increased virtual event offerings by 56% week to week with resident sign-ups for virtual events trending similarly at a week-to-week increase of over 50%.

Integrating Technology as a Long-Term Strategy 

Cypress Living is truly an innovative community with strong technology leadership by its CIO, Joe Velderman. The implementation of K4Community Plus has laid a technology foundation that fuels Cypress Living’s much larger transformation strategy. K4Community Plus runs on top of K4Connect’s operating system built specifically for senior living (with over 40 patents); this operating system is what enables the seamless integration of other apps, services and tooling that can all be surfaced through K4Community as the single interface for the end user (accessible by both app voice technology).

Cypress Living is building a robust technology experience for both residents and staff that leverages this advanced technology platform, both for integrating experiences and collecting and analyzing resident and staff data. With K4Community, Cypress Living is currently gaining daily insights into resident technology adoption and usage that enables more informed decision-making for staff, critical trend spotting and the ability to make stronger health-related decisions in the future by combining behavioral and health insights.

Want to learn more about how Cypress Living is better serving residents through technology? Check out this two-minute video where Joe explains how technology will transform the future of Cypress Living.

West Bay Execs Launch Momentum Senior Living With Eye on Company’s Future

Our community partners at West Bay Senior Living, led by CEO Jim Biggs and COO Josh Johnson, are expanding with a new management company and a growing footprint in California. 

The executives behind West Bay Senior Living are pivoting to a new venture called Momentum Senior Living in a move that will set the stage for the company’s next evolution.

West Bay CEO Jim Biggs and COO Josh Johnson are forging ahead with the new management company but swapping roles, with Biggs as COO and Johnson as CEO. The new operating company is currently involved in four projects under construction in The Golden State, with others on the way. Momentum currently manages The Variel, an upscale senior living community in Woodland Hills, California.

Read the excerpt on how K4Connect’s technology is incorporated into the company’s long-term strategy >>

On the big challenges and opportunities ahead for senior living operators:

Biggs: Obviously, labor and staffing. I listen to this podcast and I know that’s a common theme.

It’s a little bit that way with food. LA fast food workers go up to $22 an hour next year. The water bill for The Variel, we just opened it up and it’s $79,000. Inflationary effects will continue to pop up and into our market basket, but we are somewhat fortunate that we’re able to work with some investors with long-term range.

So we obviously need to protect the margins, but we need to fill the building first. We’re really looking at this in nonconventional areas both for revenue and with cost containment, as well.

We are big fans of K4Connect and we are looking to leverage that. We’re taking a look at where other vendors are making money in our properties. We have beautiful, high-end properties — some in terrific markets — asking how we can do these things ourselves. So we’ve been through similar problems with inflation before and some hard times where it helps to have been around for a long time.

And unlike a lot of other companies, I think our investors like us, as we’re not doing it to boost our own pockets but we are doing it to help meet those goals for the communities. It’s a much longer-term perspective for us and those relationships are important.

You can read the full article or listen to the podcast via this link.